" Night Bloomer"

David Bowie, Glenn Plummer, Giannina Facio, Serge Houde
Martin Neufeld

Erik Canuel

Watch a scene from the show - REAL VIDEO CLIP 2 MB

Hunger - The Night Bloomer


The Hunger is an anthology series created by the Ridley Brothers that takes after the movie by the same name. Each episode is hosted by David Bowie or Terence Stamp and deals with the hunger for: sex, money, power, beauty, love, etc...

NIGHT BLOOMER - Mr. Keller an Executive at Lunagrow is kept from climbing the corporate ladder by his boss and a fellow employee. A beautiful woman who offers him a way to get to the top of that elusive ladder seduces him. She has invented topsoil that combined with his arial dissemination machine will revolutionize modern agriculture. The only obstacle, his boss. She has him secretly plant a rare flower under the boss's window which make him deathly ill. Within a week he becomes the boss. Her topsoil and his machine are a phenomenal success. But this woman, who is she and what does the rare seed she carries around her neck signify? The Night Bloomer must survive and multiply.

Hunger - Cavenaugh antagonizes Keller


Mike Cavenaugh is a two faced, ass-kissing prick who will stop at nothing to get one over on Keller and suck up to the boss. An arrogant wimp who get his comeuppance when Keller become his boss. Cavenaugh is your everyday corporate executive power hungry and manipulative.

Hunger - Cavenaugh tries to suck up to the new boss


" This was my second time working on The Hunger. The stories are generally quite fascinating. Sexual and perverse to say the least but I like that kind of thing. Sometimes it's cool to play a prick and this one I liked ..."

Comments continued - REAL AUDIO CLIP

Hunger - Cavewnaugh plus a fast one on Keller